Effective Solution for Facilities


In gas generators, when cogeneration, also known as “combined heat and power systems” (combined heat and power) CHP is not used, only electrical energy is obtained from the energy used with an efficiency of around 30-45%.
However, when cogeneration or combined heat and power systems (CHP) are used in the generator, the heat energy generated by the generator is also used and converted into energy, increasing the energy efficiency to 85%-95% in total.

Cogeneration Diagram

Cogeneration systems can be a complex single piece with the generator, container cabin top as shown in the diagram, or it can be installed in the generator room where the generator works except for the generator.

Request Form

Cogeneration Parts

By converting losses into energy, energy costs are reduced as the diversity of energy use is increased with the same amount of fuel, the benefit provided, efficiency will increase.
It is more environmentally friendly, greenhouse gas emissions are reduced.

Whole System
In a Container

Simple schematic of the cogeneration system (can be developed according to needs)

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Güçbir Cogeneration Power Range

Güçbir Generator provides cogeneration systems for GAS Generators in the power range of 30 kW – 2000 kW.

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Cogeneration Application Examples

Cogeneration Request Form

Increase your energy efficiency and reduce your costs with cogeneration systems! Contact us by filling out the request form for the most suitable cogeneration solutions for your business.